Tricks and Tips to be a Better WordPress Developer

By |2021-07-09T13:41:33+00:00May 13th, 2021|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

This article will talk about some tips and tricks of working your way and adding to your knowledge about WordPress development.


Given below are the tricks that will keep the enthusiasm and attention going.

1. Don’t act like the Smartest Person in the room.

This is about encouraging competition. Each one of us has different strengths and abilities, but this can limit us from accepting feedback and looking out for input from our peers. Aim at being great at a specific thing and then making a team that has passionate members about their specific crafts to involve everyone.

2. Stand up and take a break.

If you keep on working constantly for some hours, there will come the point where you will be unable to concentrate. This is when you should take a read, read something, take your pet for a walk, do the dishes, or whatever you want to do. You should change the environment and get away from the computer for some time.

3. Log your Social Media off

This may not be very easy, but logging off your social media will allow you to concentrate on what you are doing. If you do not want to log it off, you can put your phone or iPad away, the gadget that has your social media accounts open.


Few tips that will allow you to avoid wasting your time

4. Hexcode

If you do not like Photoshop and have been paying for the license, just for the sake of it, then it is time you stop this. Search for Hexacod on Google in the image web app and then click Get Colors from Image (BETA). It is user-friendly as well as fast, and easy for you to use.

5. One-Click Plugin for child themes

You would have heard about child themes via PHP by the developers. If you do not like it, then you can use the plugins that already exist. They might not be developer-centric, but they are good for being used in WordPress initially.

6. Ninja Forms

Ninja Forms is the recent update that is hidden in the Skillcrush blueprint. The website and interface are user-friendly as well as new. You can also add your own HTML. It has reusable and highly customizable forms.

7. Pictures Plugin

  • BNE Gallery Extended – You can use its simplest option to make the carousel slideshow, as it will not crop the photos and has the most tweaks.
  • WP Responsive header image slider – You can use this for the carousel slide having three header images. You will need some PHP skills for it, but it has a bulletproof tutorial.

8. Dreamhost

  • BNE Gallery Extended – You can use its simplest option to make the carousel slideshow, as it will not crop the photos and has the most tweaks.
  • WP Responsive header image slider – You can use this for the carousel slide having three header images. You will need some PHP skills for it, but it has a bulletproof tutorial.
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